Dresden’s scientific and cultural institutions, under the umbrella of DRESDEN-concept e. V. and the alliance #WOD Weltoffenes Dresden, invite you to participate in four processions starting at 1:30 p.m. and a festival of democracy on May 25, 2024, on Dresden’s Altmarkt.
Programme details under www.dresden-concept.de/demokratie and www.weltoffenesdresden.com
Together, we want to send a clear signal for democracy and our constitutional rights: the dignity of every human being is inviolable, and the voices of minorities must be heard. For us, these are things that are taken for granted, but they are increasingly under threat. Together, we want to protect these fundamental values of our democratic and open society. The freedom of science and art is fundamental for a society that wishes to overcome the major challenges of our time.
NaMLab gGmbH is comprised of employees of many different nationalities, ethnicities, and backgrounds, who all contribute to the success as well as the social fabric of our company. Nobody should be made to feel unwelcome on the grounds of nationality, ethnicity, religious background, gender or sexual orientation. We are working to master the challenges of our common future and to enable everyone to live in dignity, which can’t succeed unless we also seek progress on social issues – the challenges of the future necessitate a global effort.